Our Track Record

Our Track Records

We at EXPONENT PTE LTD, aim to provide our clients with products that keep them at the cutting edge of technology innovation, at prices that keep them happy.

Our clients are our top priority and we provide our clients with nothing but the highest quality of services that are guaranteed to meet their needs.

Through our products and services, we have worked hard towards building long-lasting and meaningful relationships with many reputed companies.We are always aware that the trust and confidence of our clients has a direct and profound effect on our very existence.

Here’s a partial list of our prestigious customers.

We dedicate all our actions and decisions to maximising the impact of the investment our clients make in each project helping them to extract maximum potential.

Exponent Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. No. 201634397Z) 18, Sin Ming Lane, #06-36/37 Midview City, Singapore 573960

Tel:  +65 6909 0335
Fax: +65 6909 0321

© Copyright 2019 Exponent Pte Ltd
